laser marking

Traceability is essential to understanding your manufacturing processes. Subtle patterns in process variation are only detected over longer time scales. To be useful, process data must be captured completely, accurately, and automatically.

Kinemetrix has implemented its AssemblyDNA™ traceability technology for nearly two decades. Way before “Industry 4.0” became the hot new thing.

Successful traceability programs are less about flavor-of-the-week technology. You don’t need “edge Ai-computing” to gather and analyze useful data. You do, however, need durable, serialized marking of component parts.

Traceability starts with reliable part identification. Selecting the right marking method for your parts ensures that parts and assemblies can be identified through the process, the supply chain, and even into the field.

The video case study describes serialized laser marking of a forged crankshaft as it begins its journey through the manufacturing process. This part was challenging to mark because of its curved geometry and rough scaled surface. Enjoy the video here to learn more.

You need the best tools to compete and win. Contact Kinemetrix to get you there.